San Juan Cancuc Huipil
This exquisite tunic, also known as a Huipil, the traditional garment worn by Maya women, was made in the village of San Juan Cancuc in Chiapas.
This huipil was hand woven from 100% cotton and embroidered using a traditional technique from the region.
Textiles of this quality are rare finds, and are never duplicated so you will never find another one just like this.
This garment measures 78cm long by 88cm wide, it is intended to have a loose, open fit.
Indigenous made, indigenous owned
LUZ Collection is an indigenous owned brand, seeking to re-trace trade routes established by indigenous peoples long ago.
Handmade with intention
LUZ works directly with artists in various regions of Turtle Island, to bring its own designs to life and to source traditional designs. Although LUZ Collection is not certified free trade, we make every effort to work using fair trade guidelines.